Architectural Saunas and Home Saunas: An In-Depth Comparison

Sauna Shield
6 min readJun 7, 2024


In recent times, the popularity of saunas has seen a remarkable increase, as more people seek to incorporate this luxurious element into their homes. Saunas offer a sanctuary for relaxation and numerous health benefits, making them a sought-after feature in contemporary residences. This article delves into the distinctions between architectural saunas and home saunas, focusing on aspects such as design, functionality, and luxury. Whether you’re considering adding a sauna to your home or are interested in the latest sauna designs, this guide provides valuable insights into both architectural and home saunas.

The Allure of Saunas

Health Benefits of Saunas

Understanding why saunas have become so popular is key. Saunas provide various health benefits, including:

  1. Detoxification: The heat and sweating help to eliminate toxins from the body.
  2. Enhanced Circulation: Sauna heat causes blood vessels to expand, improving blood flow.
  3. Stress Relief and Relaxation: The warmth of a sauna fosters relaxation and reduces stress levels.
  4. Skin Improvement: Sweating cleanses pores, helping to clear skin impurities.
  5. Muscle Recovery: Saunas can help ease muscle soreness and improve post-exercise recovery.

With these advantages, it’s easy to see why saunas have become a highly desirable feature in modern homes and upscale properties.

Photo by CRYSTALWEED cannabis on Unsplash

Architectural Saunas: Design Excellence

Definition and Characteristics

Architectural saunas are bespoke, high-end installations often incorporated into the design of luxury homes, hotels, and spas. They emphasize aesthetics as much as functionality. Key features include:

  1. Custom Design: Architectural saunas are custom-designed to meet the specific aesthetic and spatial requirements of the property. Renowned architects and designers ensure these saunas complement the overall design.
  2. Premium Materials: These saunas use high-quality materials such as imported wood, glass, and stone, enhancing their visual appeal and durability.
  3. Innovative Features: They often include advanced heating systems, integrated sound and lighting systems, and digital controls.
  4. Seamless Integration: Designed to blend with their surroundings, whether in a modern urban apartment or a rustic countryside retreat.

Examples of Architectural Saunas

Urban Modern Saunas

In urban settings, architectural saunas feature sleek, minimalist designs with materials like glass and steel. Integrated into high-rise apartments or penthouses, these saunas offer a luxurious escape with stunning city views through floor-to-ceiling windows.

Remote Luxury Saunas

In remote or rural locations, architectural saunas may emphasize natural materials and an organic design. Imagine a sauna by a serene lake, built with locally sourced timber and large panoramic windows offering breathtaking nature views. These saunas blend luxury with natural harmony.

Home Saunas: Luxury Within Reach

Definition and Characteristics

Home saunas are designed for residential use, offering a more accessible way for individuals to enjoy sauna benefits at home. While they may lack the bespoke features of architectural saunas, home saunas offer several advantages:

  1. Affordability: Home saunas are generally more budget-friendly than custom-designed architectural saunas.
  2. Easy Installation: Many come in pre-fabricated kits that are easy to assemble, minimizing the need for extensive renovations.
  3. Variety of Options: There are various types of home saunas available, from traditional Finnish to infrared saunas, catering to different preferences.
  4. Compact Designs: Available in various sizes, home saunas can fit into small spaces like bathrooms or basements.

Types of Home Saunas

Traditional Finnish Saunas

These saunas use a wood-burning or electric stove to heat stones, creating a high-temperature, low-humidity environment. They typically feature wooden interiors and benches for an authentic sauna experience.

Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas use heaters to emit radiant heat, absorbed directly by the body. Operating at lower temperatures, they are popular among those who find high heat uncomfortable.

Portable Saunas

Ideal for limited space or budget, portable saunas are easy to set up and dismantle, making them perfect for apartments or rental properties.

Comparing Architectural and Home Saunas

Design and Aesthetics

Architectural Saunas: Custom-designed to blend with the surrounding architecture, these saunas use high-end materials and innovative designs, becoming focal points of luxury properties.

Home Saunas: While offering a variety of design options, home saunas generally do not match the bespoke finishes of architectural saunas. However, many stylish models can complement home decor.

Cost and Accessibility

Architectural Saunas: The custom design and premium materials make these saunas a significant investment, suitable for luxury homes and high-end properties.

Home Saunas: More budget-friendly, home saunas come at various price points, making them accessible to a broader audience.

Installation and Maintenance

Architectural Saunas: Professional expertise and significant renovations are usually required for installation. Maintenance may be more complex due to advanced features and high-end materials.

Home Saunas: Many come in pre-fabricated kits that are easy to assemble, with straightforward maintenance requirements, making them practical for everyday use.

Luxury and Experience

Architectural Saunas: Offering a luxurious experience with custom designs, high-quality materials, and innovative features, these saunas provide an unmatched sense of exclusivity and sophistication.

Home Saunas: While they may not match the luxury level of architectural saunas, home saunas still offer a relaxing and enjoyable experience, enhanced by features like digital controls and mood lighting.

Modern Sauna Trends

Sustainable Design

Sustainability is increasingly important in architectural design. Modern saunas incorporate eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient technologies, evident in both architectural and home saunas, including energy-efficient heaters and sustainable wood sources.

Smart Technology

The integration of smart technology is revolutionizing saunas. Features like digital controls, remote operation, integrated sound systems, and customizable lighting enhance convenience and enjoyment. Architectural saunas often lead this trend, but many home saunas also include smart features.

Wellness Integration

Saunas are becoming part of broader wellness spaces, including steam rooms, plunge pools, and relaxation areas. This holistic approach is common in luxury properties and high-end spas, where architectural saunas are part of comprehensive wellness suites.

Choosing the Right Sauna

Factors to Consider

When deciding between an architectural sauna and a home sauna, consider the following:

  1. Budget: Determine your investment capability. Architectural saunas are costlier but offer high customization and luxury. Home saunas are more affordable.
  2. Space: Assess the available space. Architectural saunas can be custom-fit, while home saunas come in various sizes.
  3. Design Preferences: Think about the desired aesthetic. Architectural saunas offer bespoke designs, while home saunas provide various but less customizable designs.
  4. Functionality: Consider the features you want. Architectural saunas include advanced features and innovative designs, while home saunas offer practical, everyday options.
  5. Installation and Maintenance: Evaluate the installation process and maintenance needs. Architectural saunas require professional installation and may have complex maintenance, while home saunas are easier to install and maintain.

Making Your Choice

The choice between an architectural sauna and a home sauna depends on your preferences, budget, and lifestyle. If you seek a bespoke, luxurious experience and are ready to invest in a high-end installation, an architectural sauna is ideal. If you prefer an affordable, accessible option that still provides sauna benefits, a home sauna is a practical and enjoyable choice.

Incorporating a sauna into your living space offers numerous health benefits and a luxurious retreat for relaxation. Architectural saunas provide high customization, luxury, and innovative design, making them focal points in luxury homes and properties. Home saunas, however, offer a more affordable and accessible option, allowing more people to enjoy sauna benefits at home.

As modern sauna trends continue to evolve, focusing on sustainability, smart technology, and wellness integration, the appeal of saunas will only increase. By considering your budget, space, design preferences, and desired features, you can make an informed decision that enhances your home and well-being. Whether you choose the bespoke elegance of an architectural sauna or the practical luxury of a home sauna, you’ll enjoy the many benefits and pleasures a sauna brings.



Sauna Shield

Sauna Shield's mission is to help clients retain their sauna's stunning appearance and structural integrity, ensuring long-lasting enjoyment for years to come.